You received a Thank You from Liberia

Uniting Distant Stars Liberian Co-Founder and Country Director Kelvin Fomba has a message to share to You, our valued Star Supporter.

Hello, UDS Team in the U.S. and around the world. First of all, we say, "thanks and appreciation for your wonderful support!" The Liberia Team has worked nonstop with the renovations because our old learning center can no longer accommodate the 250-plus students from around the city seeking our study classes. All schools are open right now, so the kids and youth are eager to start their study classes at our new learning center. Therefore, our volunteers and youth have joined hands to work hard at the new learning by cleaning, painting, and other finishing work in some parts of the building. 

Here are photos showing some of our scholarship students--Blessing, Deborah, Ishmael, Korlu, Korlu (yes there are two), and Rita--cleaning the floor along with one of their classmates.

Young Liberians showing their appreciation for your amazing support by cleaning the floor of our new learning center.
These young ladies are using brooms and rags to remove the white wash paint from the floor.
Your steadfast generosity give students like Rita a reason to smile while she works.
Your kindness and support provides hope to our youth that they will go the extra mile to prepare our learning center for opening.
Your compassion for Uniting Distant Stars youth empowers them to work together to clean their new learning center. 
Please stay tuned for our next update showing the slow but steady transformation of our new learning center.

You are appreciated and praised by our youth and volunteers in Liberia for making their lives better! 

Thank you for being a Super Star!

Read Reaching New Heights for Liberia's Children and Youth to learn more. 


Building Community One Star at a Time


5 Days To Go!