...School is just around the corner!

For UDS students, a new school year means so many exciting things.

It means being back with friends and dedicated leaders. It means getting the chance to learn about this incredible world we live in. And it means discovering how to go about in it as individuals with hearts, minds, talents, and dreams, totally unique to them.

As we start this new chapter, we are so filled with gratitude for the ways you’ve lifted these stellar youth.  We would like to thank you, (and thank you again), for the ripple of positivity you have created in their lives!

Right now, the end of our “2016 School Supplies Campaign” is fast-approaching. For this year’s campaign, we hoped to provide 700 students attending 3 different schools with basic school supplies.

According to a recent poll, the average American student spends upwards of $600 on school supplies, back to school clothes, and electronics. The same amount could support 60 liberian children and youth, with each student costing a total of $10!

So far, you’ve made it possible for 167 students to obtain the materials they’ll need, having raised a total of $1,675.

We are at nearly 25% of our $7,000 goal! If you can think of anyone who would like to join in supporting this effort, please forward our information along. Alternatively, below is a printable flyer which can be posted at church, work, or at coffee shop pin board near you!

Donations can be made by PayPal (go to website and click donate button) or send Check payable to "Uniting Distant Stars" at:

Uniting Distant Stars
4010 Lawndale LN N
Plymouth, MN 55446

To keep in mind:
The 3 highest donations made by the end of this campaign will not only receive acknowledgment on the site, but will also obtain special recognition when the school supplies are delivered to the students in September, in the form of a PSA Video! UDS students will get to express directly to you, through digital media, their appreciation for your continuous and selfless support.

Again, we want to thank you most sincerely for your support; be it through monetary contributions, sharing our message within your own circles, or directing prayers our way.

Your influence is felt with gratitude all the way across the world!

Thank you, (and thank you again),

Uniting Distant Stars


School Supplies Drive, Final Stages!


UDS Youth & Children, Singing for Joy!