My Thank You Letter

In response to a recent donation I made to UDS, I received an email with a scanned image of a letter written to me from one of the recipients of my donation: Jeremy S. Poguah.

Here’s what Jeremy wrote to me: “Hi Miss Anna Bertch, I greet you with God love. I write to express my thanks to you for the computer lab you people open for us. I praise God so much for you and your family. I hope to see you one day in our country Liberia. We also express many thanks to the Uniting Distant Stars for helping us with our learning. May the Lord bless you.”

This sweet letter has become a treasure to me, and a printed copy now hangs framed on my wall. As part of our 6th Annual School Supply Drive, you too will receive this joy from one of our students when you make a donation of:

  1. $100 or more, you will receive a letter from one student.
  2. $500 or more, you will receive three letters from three different students.

The students will receive their school supplies in September and the letters will be emailed to you during the months of September and October.

Your generosity has led to immense changes in the lives of these youth, and they would love to express their gratitude to you!

When both recipient and donor are lifted alike, it becomes apparent that the contributions of time, money, and prayers is worthwhile. I would like to express my own personal gratitude for these kids and for the important work Uniting Distant Stars is doing.

Many Blessings,

Anna Bertch, Uniting Distant Stars National Youth Leader

6th Annual School Supply Drive for Liberia


Raising Awareness at Ten Thousand Villages