Unlock Challenge Grant for Learning Center in Liberia

Double your gift's impact by unlocking a $250 challenge grant from a generous donor for our Learning Center in Liberia. We have raised $1,407.34 (56%) towards our $2,500 goal to buy additional books for the library, extra tables and chairs for the students, provide a computer lab and additional learning resources. By investing as little as $10.00 today, you will respond to the requests of ambitious Liberian students seeking to improve their future prospects.

It was roughly a year ago when we first opened the learning center with limited resources as shown below.

Eight months later we made the first upgrade with donated library books, a science kit and microscope from the miraculous delivery of our 2014 supplies in August 2015. This prompted our Liberian team to build bookshelves and tables to accommodate students. 

One month later the schools opened for the new academic year in September 2015. The center soon attracted children and youth from the community attending different schools to take advantage of its resources and participate in our study classes.


Starting in March 2016, we will implement the next upgrade envisioned by our students. Your contribution will buy the books they are required to read, add a computer lab to teach them basic skills, and provide other educational materials to assist with their studies.

You can be part of their vision by donating at least $10 today to unlock the challenge grant. Plus if you give more, we will honor your kindness and generosity as follows:
  1. Receive a personalized Thank You letter (scanned copy) from one of our students in Liberia for donations of $50 or more.
  2. Have your name displayed on a plaque located in our learning center in Liberia for donations of $100 or more along with the personalized Thank you letter.
Please contribute by credit or debit card by clicking the DONATE BUTTON below.

Uniting Distant Stars Learning Center | GiveMN

Or by check payable to Uniting Distant Stars and mail to:

Uniting Distant Stars
4010 Lawndale LN N
Plymouth, MN 55446

Your tax-deductible contribution is a key to unlock the challenge grant and the hidden potential of Liberian students. Thank you for your generous support!

Read other blog posts about our learning center:
  1. Enjoy a Tour of the UDS Learning Center in Liberia
  2. Liberia: Read How UDS Learning Center Benefits Deborah

Meeting UDS Kids via Google-Hangout


2014 Annual Report and New Media Now Published