Help us connect Liberia and Minnesota Youth!

On March6, Uniting Distant Stars has the honor of hosting 50 of Liberia's promisingyouth to virtually attend the Nobel Peace Prize Youth Forum at Augsburg Collegein Minnesota. We need your help in raising $370 to make this day successful.

Ourfundraising planning team has given us a jump-start in reaching this goal bycontributing $200. So with a donation as little as $10, you are opening theworld to a young person in Liberia as they connect via Google Hangout withtheir peers in Minnesota. 

Please help us reach our goal by clicking HERE to donate.

Photo on left is from the Nobel Peace Prize Youth Forum 2014; co-hosted with iLab Liberia and UDS. Photo on right was from a Google Hangout between UDS youth in Liberia and the youthrive cabinet members in Minnesota in January 2015.

Read about last year's forum: "Liberian Youth Virtually Connect With Peers in Minnesota"

Uniting Distant Stars™, Inc. is a nonprofit organization,which brings like-minded global citizens together to inspire and support youthto become their nation's innovators and leaders through efforts in offeringeducational opportunities and promoting positive, sustainable economicdevelopment. 

We currently work in Liberia, West Africa, and have provided youth-focusedlearning opportunities including transforming recycled materials to a durablegood and connecting youth leaders virtually between Liberia andMinnesota. 

Thank you in advance for your donations!!


Launched Backpacks for Peace Service Learning Project on 02/23/15


Press Release: Grant from Sundance Family Foundation, 2015 Board Officers and more.